
Mirna Alaisami
Novatec Consulting GmbH

Mirna Alaisami is a Senior Consultant at Novatec Consulting GmbH with focus on Cloud Technologies and Platforms. She supports and advises customers on building cloud architectures and migrating to various cloud platforms. She also develops and delivers training topics related to microservice development and CI/CD with the technology stacks of Spring Boot, Docker, Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry. Prior to that, she worked as a software engineer with various languages and web-focused frameworks. In addition to her role as a consultant, she actively blogs for Novatec, supports meetups and user groups, has been guest lecturer at different universities around Stuttgart, and speaker at various conferences and meetups (such as WeAreDevelopers, ContainerDays, Cloud Foundry Summit EU/NA, OOP, JCON, European Cloud Summit, IT-Tage).

Live Hacking Cloud Architectures
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room C

As more organizations are moving to the cloud, cloud architectures are getting more sophisticated by having a kind of technology diversity. This includes for example container orchestrators, database services, event meshes, networking components and virtual machines.

When it comes to security, observability on this diversity is paramount. The main question here is, do you really perceive when your app landscape is under attack?

In this session, you will have the opportunity to see various attack vectors and ways to mitigate and observe them. Many technologies will be used such as Kubernetes, eBPF, Cillium, Falco and much more!

Come and watch a live attack on a real-world based cloud architecture and see the attacker scan web applications and start lateral movement with the goal of exfiltrating data. Furthermore, become a part of the blue-team, defending and securing the architecture with modern open source tools.


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