
Pasha Finkelshteyn

Years of experience in software engineering and the team's leading roles combined with his passion for Java made Pasha know all the hidden details in this IT niche. As a Developer Advocate for @Bellsoft, he educates the public on the latest software tools built by BellSoft and helps to create and test instruments for developers. He writes in Kotlin, speaks at conferences, composes a new articles, or maintains his pet projects.

Ktor+htmx: the perfect mix for a software Craftsman
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Room B

There is a well-established framework for development in high enterprises: Spring Framework. It fits amazingly complex enterprise processes and integrations. It has a lot of magic, which we can avoid learning how it works inside. But what if we need to craft something working quickly, avoiding the hidden complexity and within a small team? Comes in the mix of ktor and htmx. The perfect cocktail of a software craftsman, allowing to build amazing things without diving into traps of complexities of Spring and "modern frontend".


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