Years of experience in software engineering and the team's leading roles combined with his passion for Java made Pasha know all the hidden details in this IT niche. As a Developer Advocate for @Bellsoft, he educates the public on the latest software tools built by BellSoft and helps to create and test instruments for developers. He writes in Kotlin, speaks at conferences, composes a new articles, or maintains his pet projects.
There is a well-established framework for development in high enterprises: Spring Framework. It fits amazingly complex enterprise processes and integrations. It has a lot of magic, which we can avoid learning how it works inside. But what if we need to craft something working quickly, avoiding the hidden complexity and within a small team? Comes in the mix of ktor and htmx. The perfect cocktail of a software craftsman, allowing to build amazing things without diving into traps of complexities of Spring and "modern frontend".
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