Talks by Session Type

Talks grouped by Session Types
45 minute sessions on a range of different technologies, practices and methodologies
Bring the Action: Using GraalVM in Production
Cloud Native and Sustainable, Reproducible Scientific Computing
Data platforms synchronisation journey at Carrefour
Deploying to production with confidence
Distributed teams that actually work?
Dockerfiles, Buildpacks, Jib and more ... what's the best way to run your Java code in Containers?
Don't Get Burned! Secure Coding Essentials in Java to protect your application
How I became my son's hero by building an AI Minecraft Mod with LangChain4J
How to collect application metrics if it needs to be done yesterday
How to query your data using natural language - introduction to AI features in Oracle 23ai
Java annotation processing magic for muggles
Kill All Mutants! (Intro to Mutation Testing)
Ktor+htmx: the perfect mix for a software Craftsman
Kubernetes. From 0 to Production-Grade with Java.
Live Hacking Cloud Architectures
OAuth2, OpenID: live-coding SSO, from first principles
One Does Not Simply Query a Stream
Phoenix - A template engine for Spring
Platform Engineering 101: Building Internal Developer Platforms
React Server Components - Explained for Backend Developers
The Era of AAP: Ai Augmented Programming using only Java
Trash Talk - Exploring the JVM memory management
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